The Healthy Gut Healthy Bones Group Program
(with labs)
Ready to Take Control of Your
Bone Health and Future?
Osteoporosis is not a “one-pill-fix-all” disease.

It’s infuriating that we’re told that it’s an inevitable part of aging.

You see, the truth is that bone loss is reversible once you uncover WHY your body is breaking down bone faster than it’s building it.

And it all starts in your gut!

Imagine living without fear of fracture, feeling confident that you have control, and being stronger than you have in years…
Introducing the Healthy Gut Healthy Bones Program
I developed this signature program out of years of working with women to uncover the root causes of bone loss and teach them how to strengthen their body, bones, and balance through a “stronger bones lifestyle”.

And after running thousands of functional labs, I’ve discovered that…

Your gut holds the key to building stronger bones.

(There’s over 46,000 peer-reviewed scientific articles exploring the gut/bone connection!)

In just 90 days, you’ll discover how to turn the ship around by uncovering the 7 main root causes of bone loss, and how you can fix them.

Module 1 - Your Gut Healing
Journey Begins

  • We start with a comprehensive evaluation of your bone health, your lifestyle, and your diet 
  • We get to the root causes of your bone loss through 3 individual functional lab tests (included in the cost) 
  • We’ll review what these functional labs tell us about how your body is functioning and uncover the internal stressors that are contributing to bone loss 
  • We address your digestive health, nutritional and mineral deficiencies and set you up with a personalized nutrition plan to support strong, good quality bones

Module 2 - Supplements and Enhancements

  • We look at your current supplement routine and see if it’s right for you 
  • We set you up with a custom supplement protocol that supports your good gut microbes that build new bone, and eliminates the offenders that contribute to bone loss 
  • We determine the either the right probiotic or if you shouldn’t take them until you clear up overgrowth of certain gut microbes 
  • We discuss the gut-bone connection and start healing leaky gut which leads to leaky bones

Module 3 - Removing, Repairing, and Healing

  • We identify the factors that create imbalance inside your body which are dissolving your bones 
  • We create easy routines to keep your body’s natural inner balance in check 
  • We define the stressors in your life that are keeping you from developing stronger bones 
  • We uncover and address your hormone and mineral imbalances

Module 4 - Rebalancing and Supporting Your Body to Detox
  • We determine your body’s toxicity load, and begin to eliminate the toxins that contribute to your bone loss 
  • We look at the crucial ways you can support your body’s natural ability to detox 
  •  We incorporate liver support into your routine 
  • We learn how to support your organs of detoxification and how they affect your bone health

Module 5 - Stronger Body, Bones, and Balance
  • We discover what type of movement is necessary to create bone stimulation 
  • We speak to menopause and how it can affect the strength of your bones (and debunk common myths!) 
  • We master the skills to become bendable and not breakable for fall prevention 
  • We find movement that not only develops your mobility, but also the strength of your muscles (win-win!)
Module 6 - Stress Management and Stronger Bones For Life
  • We learn how to make the routines we learned part of our lives so you can be in control of your body and how you age 
  • We put actionable steps into place to maintain a healthy gut balance to build strong bones long-term 
  • We talk about healing emotionally 
  •  We look at strategies to minimize stress and build harmony in our lives
This course is delivered LIVE over 90 days, with a group session meeting every other week. 

You begin your journey with 3 proprietary self-assessments and 2 functional lab tests that give you direction in finding the root causes of your bone loss. 

You’ll learn the exact methods I used on myself, and thousands of women, to build strength in their body from the inside out. 

But we personalize your protocol based on what we discover in your functional labs, so the program is CUSTOM-MADE to you and your body’s specific needs. 

Being in a group of women just like you can be the catalyst of change as we all work on becoming the strongest and healthiest versions of ourselves.

With this program, you’ll get the accountability, community, and resources you need to make real change.

Here’s What’s Included… 

  • Functional stool test 1 (to look at what’s going on inside your gut) 
  • Hair mineral assessment 1 (to see your toxins or mineral imbalances) 
  • Deep intake questionnaires to look at your body functions 
  • 6 live group Zoom classes 
  • 3 private one-on-one consultations with me 
  • Hair mineral assessment 2 (to measure your progress!) 
  • A 100-page Bone Health Nutrition Guide with healthy recipes for recovering bone strength 
  • A community of like-minded women on the same mission of taking control of their bone health  

    You finally get the answers as to why you have bone loss in the first place so you can do something about it and you will be doing so much for your bones! 

    Just think of all the money, pain, and heartache you’re saving yourself knowing that you’re doing the right things to support your whole body.

    Because stronger bones are just the tip of the iceberg…

    After completing the Healthy Gut Healthy Bones program, you’ll experience more confidence, energy, much less pain, better mobility, and significantly stronger muscles and bones.
Success Stories

I would really recommend Debi’s program. It has helped me a lot. I am happy and feel grateful. Thank you Debi!

Susan H.
I find that I have been passing along everything I have learned from you. There are no overnight fixes but you being my guide has been priceless!
Patty C.
Your knowledge is unbelievable. The dietary aspect of your programs is just amazing. You are very encouraging unlike some of the doctors who scare the hell out of you.
Linda N.
Invest in Your Future:

Normally, I charge $4,997 for this program.

Which is already incredibly affordable because of the life-changing information that’s inside.

The price covers every lab, interpreting the lab reporting, and creating a protocol specific to you.

I know you can’t put a price on bone health. 

But you cannot afford to postpone taking care of your bones forever. 

I’m on a mission to reach as many women as possible to help transform their bones…

Which is why that’s not the price you’ll be paying today…

I want to give you the opportunity to join the Healthy Gut Healthy Bones program at a discount of over $2,000!

Join the Healthy Gut Healthy Bones program for only $2,497.

That means you’ll be paying less than a lunch out a day to get stronger and healthier bones in as little as 90 days.

Investing In Your Health

This course is delivered LIVE over 90 days, with two group sessions each week.  

You begin your journey with 3 proprietary self-assessments and 2 functional lab tests that give you direction in finding the root causes of your bone loss.

You’ll learn the exact methods I used on myself, and thousands of women, to build strength in their body from the inside out.

But we personalize your protocol based on what we discover in your functional labs, so the program is CUSTOM-MADE to you and your body’s specific needs.

Being in a group of women just like you can be the catalyst of change as we all work on becoming the strongest and healthiest versions of ourselves.

With this program, you’ll get the accountability, community, and resources you need to make real change.

The group session dates are:
Tuesday, January 30th @ 4 pm PT

Tuesday, February 13th @ 4 pm PT

Tuesday, February 27th @ 4 pm PT

Tuesday, March 12th @ 4 pm PT

Tuesday, March 26th @ 4 pm PT

Tuesday, April 9th @ 4 pm PT

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ADD-ON: DUTCH - Stress & Hormone Panel

Special Add-On Price: $697 (Reg. Price $997)

Special price for HGHB Members only!

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xHGHB Group Program with Labs Jan 2024$2497

All prices in USD